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Nuovo bando 2022. È indetta una selezione per titoli per il conferimento n. 1 assegno post-dottorato, finanziato dalla Fondazione Marica De Vincenzi onlus, per la collaborazione ad attività di ricerca dal titolo "Studi di psicolinguistica formale" presso il Dipartimento di Psicologia e Scienze Cognitive: Link del bando
La domanda può essere compilata accedendo al seguente Link (DIPSCO, Decreto n. 243/2022). La scadenza per la presentazione della domanda è fissata per il 27 Gennaio 2023 ore 12:00


2022 - Andrea Listanti
◊ Project title: The processing of postverbal subjects in L2 Italian

◊ Project title: Comparative and temporal constructions in French Sign Language (LSF)

◊ Project title: Complex structures in adults with ASD: a syntactic assessment of a neurodiverse population featuring comprehension, structural priming, and production

◊ Project title: The nature of island constraints: a behavioral, neurophysiological and computational investigation

◊ Project title: Reading Between the Lines: Conversational Implicature Processing in Typical and Atypical Populations
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◊ elenco pubblicazioni

1) Mazzaggio, G., & Shield, A. (2020). The production of pronouns and verb inflections by Italian children with ASD: a new dataset in a null subject language. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 50, 1425-1433. LINK

2) Foppolo, F., Mazzaggio, G., Panzeri, F., & Surian, L. (2021). Scalar and ad-hoc pragmatic inferences in children: guess which one is easier. Journal of Child Language, 48(2), 350-372. LINK

3) Mazzaggio, G., Panizza, D., & Surian, L. (2021). On the interpretation of scalar implicatures in first and second language. Journal of Pragmatics, 171, 62-75. LINK

4) Panzeri, F., Mazzaggio, G., Giustolisi, B., Silleresi, S., & Surian, L. (2022). The atypical pattern of irony comprehension in autistic children. Applied Psycholinguistics, 43(4), 757-784. LINK

5) Mazzaggio, G., Foppolo, F., Job, R., & Surian, L. (2021). Ad-hoc and scalar implicatures in children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Communication Disorders, 90, 106089. LINK

◊ Project title: Agreement and tense processing in adult second-language (L2) learning

◊ Project title: Morphophonological and syntactic processing in children with dyslexia and children learning to read in their L2

◊ Project title: Learning mechanisms underlying the acquisition of grammatical phrase structure in infancy

2013 - Lucia Pozzan

◊ Project title: Executive functions and sentence processing in second language acquisition
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◊ Project title: Acquisition of near-reflexivity
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◊ Project title: Syntactic processing in child first and second language acquisition
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◊ Project title: An MEG investigation of intensionality in sentece processing
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◊ Project title: Processing and acquisition of logical operators and quantifiers in natural languages
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◊ Project title: The processing of clitic pronouns in adult L2 learners of spanish: from agrammatic aphasia to adult second language acquistition
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Copyright Fondazione ONLUS Marica De Vincenzi 2012